Ques 151 : The question is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a strong argument and which is a weak argument.
Should there be a total ban on all tobacco products in India ?
I. No, this will render a large number of people jobless.
II. No, the government will lose huge amount of money as it will not be earned by way of taxes on these products.
Option 1 : Only argument I is strong. Option 2 : Only argument II is strong. Option 3 : Either I or II is strong. Option 4 : Neither I nor II is strong. Option 5 : Both I and II are strong.
Ques 152 : The question is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a strong argument and which is a weak argument.
Should the retirement age of all government employees in India be made 55 years ? Arguments:
I. Yes, this will help government to offer employment to youth at lower cost and with higher productivity.
II. No, the Government will be deprived of the expertise of the experienced employees and this will have adverse effect on productivity.
Option 1 : Only argument I is strong. Option 2 : Only argument II is strong. Option 3 : Either I or II is strong. Option 4 : Neither I nor II is strong. Option 5 : Both I and II are strong.
Ques 153 : The question is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a strong argument and which is a weak argument.
Should the public sector undertakings be allowed to adopt hire and fire policy?
I. Yes, this will help the public sector undertakings to get rid of non-performing employees and will also help to reward the performing employees.
II. No, the management may not be able to implement the policy in an unbiased manner and the employees will suffer due to the high-handedness of the management.
Option 1 : Only argument I is strong. Option 2 : Only argument II is strong. Option 3 : Either I or II is strong. Option 4 : Neither I nor II is strong. Option 5 : Both I and II are strong.
Ques 154 : The question is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a strong argument and which is a weak argument.
Should the admission to professional courses in India be given only on merit without any concession to any particular group of students?
I. Yes, this will improve the quality of the professionals as they will be able to complete the courses successfully.
II. No, this will keep large number of socially and economically backward students out of the reach of the professional courses.
Option 1 : Only argument I is strong. Option 2 : Only argument II is strong. Option 3 : Either I or II is strong. Option 4 : Neither I nor II is strong. Option 5 : Both I and II are strong.
Ques 155 : Question is followed by four arguments numbered I, II, III and IV. You have to decide which of the arguments are ‘strong’ arguments and which are ‘ weak’ arguments.
Should all the management institutes in the country be brought under government control?
I. No, the government does not have adequate resources to run such institutes effectively.
II. No, each institute should be given freedom to function on its own
III. Yes, this will enable to have standardized education for all the students.
IV. Yes, only then the quality of education would improve.
Option 1 : None of the statements is strong. Option 2 : Only III is strong. Option 3 : Only I ,II and III are strong. Option 4 : Only I and III are strong Option 5 : All the statements are strong.
Ques 156 : The questions is followed by two arguments numbered ‘X’ and ‘Y’. You have to decide which of the argument(s) is forceful and to what degree.
Should trade unions be banned ?
X. Yes, as they create a lot of problem for industrialists.
Y. No, as they take care of the rights of the labour working in the industries.
Option 1 : Argument ‘X’ is forceful Option 2 : Argument ‘Y’ is forceful. Option 3 : Neither ‘X’ nor ‘Y’ are forceful. Option 4 : Both ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are forceful. Option 5 : Both “X’ and ‘Y’ are irrelevant.
Ques 157 : The questions is followed by two arguments numbered ‘X’ and ‘Y’. You have to decide which of the argument(s) is forceful and to what degree.
Should all news be censured by the state in democracy ?
X. Yes, variations in news bring doubts and confusion among people.
Y. No, controlled news loses credibility
Option 1 : Argument ‘X’ is forceful Option 2 : Argument ‘Y’ is forceful. Option 3 : Neither ‘X’ nor ‘Y’ are forceful. Option 4 : Both ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are forceful. Option 5 : Both “X’ and ‘Y’ are irrelevant.
Ques 158 : The questions is followed by two arguments numbered ‘X’ and ‘Y’. You have to decide which of the argument(s) is forceful and to what degree.
Should smoking be prohibited ?
X. Yes, it is wrong to smoke away millions worth of good money.
Y. No, it will throw thousands of workers in the tobacco industry out of employment.
Option 1 : Argument ‘X’ is forceful Option 2 : Argument ‘Y’ is forceful. Option 3 : Neither ‘X’ nor ‘Y’ are forceful. Option 4 : Both ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are forceful. Option 5 : Both “X’ and ‘Y’ are irrelevant.
Ques 159 : The question contains a statement followed by two Assumptions I and II. Find out which assumption(s) is implicit.
Statement: Salary cannot be the only criteria for deciding a person’s potential
I. Persons with equal potential are not necessarily paid equally.
II. Salary of a person is not linked only with the potential
Option 1 : Only Assumption I is implicit. Option 2 : Only Assumption II is implicit. Option 3 : Either Assumption I or II is implicit. Option 4 : Neither Assumption I nor II is implicit. Option 5 : Both Assumptions I and II are implicit.
Ques 160 : The question contains a statement followed by three Assumptions I, IIand III. Find out which assumption(s) is implicit.
Statement: The civic authority has decided that all the factories located inside the city limit will be shifted outside to reduce the level of environmental pollution in the city.
I. The pollution level in the city in future may reduce after these factories are shifted outside the city limit.
II. Enough usable land is available outside the city limit for these factories.
III. Many of these factories may shift to some other smaller town to remain profitable.
Option 1 : Only I is implicit. Option 2 : Only I and II are implicit. Option 3 : Only II is implicit. Option 4 : Only II and III are implicit. Option 5 : None of these
Ques 161 : The question contains a statement followed by three Assumptions I, IIand III. Find out which assumption(s) is implicit.
Statement: India’s economic growth has come at a terrible price of increased industrial and vehicular pollution.
I. Pollution is a part of industrial society.
II. Indian economic growth is based on only industrial growth.
III. A country desires economic growth with manageable side effects.
Option 1 : Only I is implicit Option 2 : Only II is implicit Option 3 : Only I and III are implicit Option 4 : Only III is implicit Option 5 : None of these
Ques 162 : The question contains a statement followed by three Assumptions I, IIand III. Find out which assumption(s) is implicit.
Statement: “We do not want you to see our product in newspaper, visit our shop to get a full view” – an advertisement.
I. People generally decide to purchase any product after seeing the name in the advertisement.
II. Uncommon appeal may attract the customers.
III. People may come to see the product.
Option 1 : None is implicit Option 2 : Onlyd I and II are implicit Option 3 : Only II and III are implicit Option 4 : All are implicit Option 5 :
Ques 163 : The question contains a statement followed by three Assumptions I, IIand III. Find out which assumption(s) is implicit.
Statement: The telephone company informed the subscribers through a notification that those who do not pay their bills by the due date will be charged penalty for every defaulting day.
I. Majority of the people may pay their bills by the due date to avoid penalty.
II. The money collected as penalty may set off the losses due to delayed payment
III. People generally pay heed to such notices.
Option 1 : II and III are implicit Option 2 : I and II are implicit Option 3 : None of these is implicit Option 4 : I and III are implicit Option 5 : All are implicit.
Ques 164 : The question contains a statement followed by two Assumptions I and II. Find out which assumption(s) is implicit.
Statement: The railway authority has decided to introduce two additional super-fast trains between Cities ‘A’ and ‘B’ during the vacation time.
I. All the passengers who desire to travel during vacation time will get a train ticket.
II. All other modes of transport between cities ‘A’ and ‘B’ are already overstretched.
Option 1 : Only Assumption I is implicit. Option 2 : Only Assumption II is implicit. Option 3 : Either Assumption I or II is implicit. Option 4 : Neither Assumption I nor II is implicit. Option 5 : Both Assumptions I and II are implicit.
Ques 165 : The question contains a statement followed by two Assumptions I and II. Find out which assumption(s) is implicit.
Statement: The government has instructed all the premier institutes offering professional courses to reduce the fees by 50 percent and increase the number of students.
I. These institutes may be able to continue providing quality education with less fees and more students.
II. The institutes may continue charging more fees to provide quality education.
Option 1 : Only Assumption I is implicit. Option 2 : Only Assumption II is implicit. Option 3 : Either Assumption I or II is implicit. Option 4 : Neither Assumption I nor II is implicit. Option 5 : Both Assumptions I and II are implicit.
Ques 166 : The question contains a statement followed by two Assumptions I and II. Find out which assumption(s) is implicit.
Statement: Use ‘X’ brand shoes. These are durable and available in all sizes.
I. Some people do not know about ‘X’ brand shoes.
II. Normally, people like durable shoes.
Option 1 : Only Assumption I is implicit. Option 2 : Only Assumption II is implicit. Option 3 : Either Assumption I or II is implicit. Option 4 : Neither Assumption I nor II is implicit. Option 5 : Both Assumptions I and II are implicit.
Ques 167 : The question contains a statement followed by two Assumptions I and II. Find out which assumption(s) is implicit.
Statement: ‘Please do not wait for me, I may be late, start taking lunch as soon as the guests arrive.’ – a message from a Director of a Company to his Office managers.
I. Keeping guests waiting is not desirable.
II.Lunch may not be ready in time.
Option 1 : Only Assumption I is implicit. Option 2 : Only Assumption II is implicit. Option 3 : Either Assumption I or II is implicit. Option 4 : Neither Assumption I nor II is implicit. Option 5 : Both Assumptions I and II are implicit.
Ques 168 : The question contains a statement followed by two Assumptions I and II. Find out which assumption(s) is implicit.
Statement: The government has decided to pay compensation of Rs. 1 lakh to the family members of those who are killed in railway accidents.
I. The government has enough funds to meet the expenses due for compensation.
II. There may be reduction in incidents of railway accidents in near future.
Option 1 : Only Assumption I is implicit. Option 2 : Only Assumption II is implicit. Option 3 : Either Assumption I or II is implicit. Option 4 : Neither Assumption I nor II is implicit. Option 5 : Both Assumptions I and II are implicit.
Ques 169 : Select the right option from the given alternatives
256 : 4086 :: ?
Option 1 : 225 : 3365 Option 2 : 144 : 3032 Option 3 : 132 : 3012 Option 4 : 160 : 3600
Ques 170 : In the following question three numbers are given which are inter-connected in some way.Select the option that bears an analogy similar to the main words.
Option 1 : 21:31:51 Option 2 : 21:36:41 Option 3 : 21:51:61 Option 4 : 21:91:35
Ques 171 : In the following question three numbers are given which are inter-connected in some way.Select the option that bears an analogy similar to the main words.
264 : 275 : 385
Option 1 : 145 : 253 : 325 Option 2 : 143 : 235 : 246 Option 3 : 372 : 563 : 736 Option 4 : 233 : 343 : 345
Ques 172 : Choose the right answer.
From the given choices select the odd man out
Option 1 : ADG Option 2 : BEH Option 3 : SUT Option 4 : KNQ Option 5 : CFI
Ques 173 : Choose the right answer.
From the given choices select the odd man out
Option 1 : STU Option 2 : LML Option 3 : LVW Option 4 : RPL Option 5 : NSW
Ques 174 : Choose the right answer.
From the given choices select the odd man out
Option 1 : XGEZ Option 2 : PCAQ Option 3 : LKIN Option 4 : DWUF
175 : Choose the right answer.
From the given choices select the odd man out
Option 1 : REAB Option 2 : SOED Option 3 : WYZE Option 4 : AETF