Ques 101 : Choose the right answer.
From the given choices select the odd man out:
Option 1 : Assert Option 2 : Acknowledge Option 3 : Claim Option 4 : Uphold Option 5 : Forswear
Ques 102 : Choose the right answer.
From the given choices select the odd man out:
Option 1 : Beefy Option 2 : Stocky Option 3 : Husky Option 4 : Thin Option 5 : Brawny
Ques 103 : Choose the right answer.
From the given choices select the odd man out:
Option 1 : Manifest Option 2 : Conceal Option 3 : Suppress Option 4 : Implicit Option 5 : Hidden
Ques 104 : Choose the right answer.
From the given choices select the odd man out:
Option 1 : Dutiful Option 2 : Good Option 3 : Mischievous Option 4 : Well-behaved Option 5 : Obedient
Ques 105 : Choose the right answer.
From the given choices select the odd man out:
Option 1 : Timid Option 2 : Appropriate Option 3 : Commendable Option 4 : Outrageous Option 5 : Decorous
Ques 106 : Choose the right answer.
From the given choices select the odd man out:
Option 1 : Profound Option 2 : Deep Option 3 : Shallow Option 4 : Fathomless Option 5 : Excess
Ques 107 : Choose the right answer.
From the given choices select the odd man out:
Option 1 : Solitary Option 2 : Lone Option 3 : Companionable Option 4 : Single Option 5 : Secluded
Ques 108 : Choose the right answer.
From the given choices select the odd man out:
Option 1 : Base Option 2 : Bottom Option 3 : Foot Option 4 : Zenith Option 5 : Low
Ques 109 : In the question a statement is followed by some courses of action . A course of action is a step or administrative decisions to be taken for improvement, follow-up, or further action in regard to the problem, policy, etc.You have to assume everything in the statement to be true and then decide which of the given suggested course(s) of action logically follows for pursuing.
‘About half the Indian population is so poor that they have never used a telephone’ – a VN survey.
Courses of Action :
I. People should be provided with telephone sets or mobiles at low rate.
II. They should be given a demonstration as to how to use a telephone.
Option 1 : Only I follows Option 2 : Only II follows Option 3 : Either I or II follows Option 4 : Neither I nor II follows Option 5 : Both I and II follow.
Ques 110 : In the question a statement is followed by some courses of action . A course of action is a step or administrative decisions to be taken for improvement, follow-up, or further action in regard to the problem, policy, etc.You have to assume everything in the statement to be true and then decide which of the given suggested course(s) of action logically follows for pursuing.
attacked Iraq despite Security Council’s advice not to do so. Big
powers like America are defying the world body off and on.
Courses of Action :
I. A group of countries should warn USA and take military action if response is not positive.
II. The UNO should be either revamped or disbanded.
Option 1 : Only I follows Option 2 : Only II follows Option 3 : Either I or II follows Option 4 : Neither I nor II follows Option 5 : Both I and II follow.
Ques 111 : In the question a statement is followed by some courses of action . A course of action is a step or administrative decisions to be taken for improvement, follow-up, or further action in regard to the problem, policy, etc.You have to assume everything in the statement to be true and then decide which of the given suggested course(s) of action logically follows for pursuing.
Statement: India ranks fifth in the world in potential water resources. Notwithstanding, there is shortage of water for consumption and irrigation in almost every part of the country. Courses of Action :
I. We must tend to our water resources like rivers, lakes, ponds, wells, tanks etc.
II. We must harvest rainwater over 70% of which runs off wastefully.
Option 1 : Only I follows Option 2 : Only II follows Option 3 : Either I or II follows Option 4 : Neither I nor II follows Option 5 : Both I and II follow.
Ques 112 : In the question a statement is followed by some courses of action . A course of action is a step or administrative decisions to be taken for improvement, follow-up, or further action in regard to the problem, policy, etc.You have to assume everything in the statement to be true and then decide which of the given suggested course(s) of action logically follows for pursuing.
Statement: The gulf between the rich and the poor is increasing in our country. Courses of Action :
I. This is one of the features of free market economy which is a part of our mixed economy. None can help it.
II. The government must work earnestly to improve the economic condition of the poor.
Option 1 : Only I follows Option 2 : Only II follows Option 3 : Either I or II follows Option 4 : Neither I nor II follows Option 5 : Both I and II follow.
Ques 113 : In the question a statement is followed by some courses of action . A course of action is a step or administrative decisions to be taken for improvement, follow-up, or further action in regard to the problem, policy, etc.You have to assume everything in the statement to be true and then decide which of the given suggested course(s) of action logically follows for pursuing.
Statement: Since its launching in 1981, Vayudoot has so fare accumulated losses amounting to Rs. 153 crore during the last ten years. Courses of Action :
I. Vayudoot should be directed to reduce wasteful expenditure and to increase passenger fare.
II. An amount of about Rs. 300 crore should be provided to Vayudoot to make the airline economically viable.
Option 1 : Only I follows Option 2 : Only II follows Option 3 : Either I or II follows Option 4 : Neither I nor II follows Option 5 : Both I and II follow.
Ques 114 : In the question a statement is followed by some courses of action . A course of action is a step or administrative decisions to be taken for improvement, follow-up, or further action in regard to the problem, policy, etc.You have to assume everything in the statement to be true and then decide which of the given suggested course(s) of action logically follows for pursuing.
Statement : ‘Despite family planning programmes, the rate of growth of population in our country is the highest in the world. We are likely to achieve the dubious distinction of being the most populated country in the world, by 2045’ – a survey. Courses of Action :
I. The family planning programmes should be abandoned.
II. Those who have more than two children should be forced disincentives like more tax etc.
Option 1 : Only I follows Option 2 : Only II follows Option 3 : Either I or II follows Option 4 : Neither I nor II follows Option 5 : Both I and II follow.
Ques 115 : The question is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a strong argument and which is a weak argument.
Statement : Should strikes be banned in essential services? Arguments :
I. Yes, because strikes disrupt the normal life.
II. No, because it is the democratic right of the people.
Option 1 : Only argument I is strong. Option 2 : Only argument II is strong. Option 3 : Either I or II is strong. Option 4 : Neither I nor II is strong. Option 5 : Both I and II are strong
Ques 116 : The question is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a strong argument and which is a weak argument.
Statement : Should firecrackers be completely banned in India? Arguments :
I. Yes,firecrackers cause a lot of air pollution and noise pollution.
II.No,this will render thousands of people working in this industry jobless.
Option 1 : Only argument I is strong. Option 2 : Only argument II is strong. Option 3 : Either I or II is strong. Option 4 : Neither I nor II is strong. Option 5 : Both I and II are strong
Ques 117 : The question is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a strong argument and which is a weak argument.
Statement: Should the reservations given to SC/ST be done away with ? Arguments :
I. Yes, the reservations for SC/ST, etc. were to remain for a period of ten years as per on constitution.
II. No, it will frustrate these classes and lead to social unrest.
Option 1 : Only argument I is strong. Option 2 : Only argument II is strong. Option 3 : Either I or II is strong. Option 4 : Neither I nor II is strong. Option 5 : Both I and II are strong
Ques 118 : The question is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a strong argument and which is a weak argument.
Statement: Some people feel that the rural areas are the only potential markets of the future. Arguments:
I. Yes, the demand of goods and services has stagnated in the cities.
II. No, rural areas will take a long time to develop before they can become a potential market.
Option 1 : Only argument I is strong. Option 2 : Only argument II is strong. Option 3 : Either I or II is strong. Option 4 : Neither I nor II is strong. Option 5 : Both I and II are strong
Ques 119 : The question is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a strong argument and which is a weak argument.
Statement: Should space exploration programmes be given up by India? Arguments :
I. Yes, they involve huge expenditure, which can be used towards development projects.
II. No, they are necessary for development, communication , weather forecast and prediction of cyclones etc.
Option 1 : Only argument I is strong. Option 2 : Only argument II is strong. Option 3 : Either I or II is strong. Option 4 : Neither I nor II is strong. Option 5 : Both I and II are strong
Ques 120 : The question is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a strong argument and which is a weak argument.
Statement: Should the oil companies be allowed to fix the price of petroleum products depending on market conditions? Arguments :
I. Yes, this is the only way to make the oil companies commercially viable.
II. No, this will put additional burden on the retail prices of essential commodities and will cause lot of hardships to the masses.
Option 1 : Only argument I is strong. Option 2 : Only argument II is strong Option 3 : Either I or II is strong. Option 4 : Neither I nor II is strong. Option 5 : Both I and II are strong.
Ques 121 : The question is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a strong argument and which is a weak argument.
Statement: Should the term for Lok Sabha reduced to four years ? Arguments :
I. No, it would mean more frequent elections and more burden on the national exchequer.
II. Yes, it would make political leaders more conscious towards going to the voters.
Option 1 : Only argument I is strong. Option 2 : Only argument II is strong Option 3 : Either I or II is strong. Option 4 : Neither I nor II is strong. Option 5 : Both I and II are strong.
Ques 122 : The question contains a statement followed by two Assumptions I and II. Find out which assumption(s) is implicit.
Statements: Science is a sort of new agency comparable in principle to other news agencies. But this news agency gives us information which is reliable to an extraordinary high degree due to elaborate techniques of verification and its capacity to survive centuries. So science should be read with as much interest as we read news. Assumptions :
I. Science encourages investigative spirit.
II. People read news out of interest.
Option 1 : Only assumption I is implicit Option 2 : Only assumption II is implicit Option 3 : Both assumption I and II are implicit. Option 4 : Neither assumption I or II is implicit
Ques 123 : The passage is followed by two inferences which may or may not be drawn from the facts stated in the passage. You have to examine each inference separately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity.
Statements: In a recent survey report it has been stated that those who undertake physical exercise for at least half an hour a day are less prone to have any heart ailments.
I. Moderate level of physical exercise is necessary for leading a healthy life.
II. All people who do desk-bound jobs definitely suffer from heart ailments.
Option 1 : Inference I follows. Option 2 : Only inference II follow. Option 3 : Both inferences I and II follow Option 4 : Neither inference I nor II follows.
Ques 124 : The passage is followed by two inferences which may or may not be drawn from the facts stated in the passage. You have to examine each inference separately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity.
Statements : The serious accident in which a person was run down by a car yesterday has again focused attention on the most unsatisfactory state of roads.
I. The accident that occurred was fatal.
II. Several accidents have so far taken place because of unsatisfactory state of roads.
Option 1 : Inference I follows. Option 2 : Only inference II follow. Option 3 : Both inferences I and II follow Option 4 : Neither inference I nor II follows.
Ques 125 : The question contains a statement followed by two Assumptions I and II. Find out which assumption(s) is implicit.
Statements: “Please engage more workers on the job to avoid the delay”, Managing Director tells the Supervisor.
I. Delay is inevitable in most jobs.
II. Output will increase with more number of workers on the job.
Option 1 : Only assumption I is implicit Option 2 : Only assumption II is implicit Option 3 : Both assumption I and II are implicit Option 4 : Neither assumption I nor II is implicit
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